
dispensing Technology : Streaming
Process by which the compressed material is projected allowing an application at a greater distance from the work piece. Streaming is commonly used in some markets and areas where cycle time is important and the application speed needs to be increased.Therefore the application distance needs to be increased to get smoother movements on the robot TCP (Tool Center Point) when meeting target surface high variations, but also sometimes vibrations on the piece in its own support.
Streaming is a forgiving way of dispensing a bead on a complex surface, with high speed (>500mm/s) and with poor supporting conditions of the work piece.
Robot mounted applicator:
in this case the robot movements are critical but the part holding is good without any vibrations.

Pedestal applicator mount:
in this case the workpiece might not be perfectly held and especially if it is wide and thin. The streaming distance may vary during the job, and the final result will depend on the quality of the bead controls.

Bead dynamic management