Complete Solution to ensure
- High finishing quality with Flexible Touch'up
- Stable production tool with automated process
- Automated process for high production output
- Fast color change for low stop time
- High MTBF (Mean time Before Failure) with robust concept and equipments
- Low MTTR (Mean time to repair) with modular and standard design

The booth size is available in various dimensions, to make sure that the transfer efficiency and cleaning time are optimized to the parts size

A full scan of the parts is done for an automatic detection and adaptation of the coating process

The control system allows various functions to make the process more efficient and flexible

Full automated powder feeding and recovery system with sieve & transfer pump

Dedicated manual touch'up area for high flexibility and quality in production

All area can be processed, with additional atomizers, in complement or replacement of manual touch'up

Automatic atomizers (guns or bells) will coat in the best time small and large surfaces, with the highest quality
Modular conception

This solution is modular and fits all your needs to:
- process any kind of parts, with an easy manual Touch'up
- accept any kind of parts, from small to large size
- integrate various movements (from 0 to 2 axis) and atomizers (guns and bells)