Airmix® manual spray gun easy solution
Complete solution to ensure
- Material pressure adjustment and atomizing air control is located on the cart
- Large tip selections available for fluid flow and optimized width application for unsurpassed transfer efficiencies up to 86%
- All inclusive mobile cart allows you to hang the hoses and gun on the cart for maximum mobility
- Continuous material supply with gravity cup to prevent pump draining
- Durable wheels
- Maintenance is optimized by the number of spare parts and easy disassembly
Xcite™ Airmix® and Xcite™ Light Airmix® spray guns layout examples
Xcite™ Airmix® spray gun solutions can use different pump technologies and fluid sections sizes
You will be able to choose the right solution depending on your specific production needs: small to intensive production type of material used (viscosity as an example)....

The Xcite™ Airmix® and Xcite™ Airmix® Light spray gun must be fitted with our genuine Airmix® spray tips to guarantee the best finish quality, minimum overspray, and pattern repeatability.
You must choose the right tip required for thickness and fan width pattern (for example, use 09.09 tip size to apply 90 µm in manual applications). To help you select your spray tip, please refer to the tip configurator. You have the choice between our Fine Finish tips dedicated for solvent-based paint or X-tra Fine Finish tips dedicated to water-based paints.
"Tips and Tricks": At the end of the day, we recommend that you place your tip in a closed solvent bucket for easy cleaning.

The Xcite™ Airmix® manual spray gun delivers high level performance with unsurpassed finish quality. It is available in three pressure ranges: 120 / 200 / 400 bar (1740 / 2900 / 5400 psi) to meet every application.
We recommend using the Xcite™ Airmix® manual spray gun when:
- You need to change the fan shape width in real time using the adjustment knob
- You need to work over 120 bar (2900 psi) to apply your paint
"Tips and Tricks": The gun comes with a built-in filter at the handle. We recommend you choose a filter with a screen lower or equivalent to the one of the pump filter.

There is no metallic fluid tube and filter at the handle of the gun which increases the guns manageability and makes it very easy when painting complex shaped parts with difficult to reach areas.
To ease the maneuverability on the Xcite™ Light Airmix® spray gun, we recommend attaching an optional whip paint hose of 1.6m (5 feet). The Xcite™ Light Airmix® spray gun does not feature a filter on the handle.
"Tips and Tricks": You can add an optional in-line filter depending on your paint quality and/or if the paint pump filter is not enough.

You will need to select the right length of hoses between the paint pump and the spray gun depending on your installation and your spray booth location. You will also need to select the right diameter to avoid too much pressure loss. (pressure loss will directly impact the fluid section size of the pump needed). As an example, with water-based paints with a viscosity of 100 cps, a 7.5 meters hose, diameter 6.35, will generate a 0.5 bar pressure loss.
"Tips and Tricks": For moisture sensitive paints, you will need to choose PTFE hoses.

This cup lub pump range represents an economical production/price ratio. Those pumps are dedicated for solvent and water-based paints.
Our SAMES KREMLIN pump range features fluid sections made of stainless steel. This pump is not recommended for moisture-sensitive materials. In case of multiple color changes, we recommend using the smallest hydraulic section which matches your needs to save paint and solvents materials.
"Tips and Tricks": In the case of very viscous materials, this pump type can be fed under pressure.

This free lub pump range represents the most robust paint pump in the world. Our SAMES KREMLIN Flowmax® bellows pump range is dedicated for abrasive and moisture sensitive solvent or water-based materials.
The fluid section is made of stainless steel. This pump is not recommended for multiple color changes.
"Tips and Tricks":
- In case of viscous materials, you should never exceed 0,5 bar feeding pressure.
- Never use a check valve integrated on the suction rod (you may damage the Flowmax® bellow) .

The main filtration can be done at the paint pump using a dedicated filter mounted at the product output of the paint pump. The filter screen needs to be adjusted depending on your paint to prevent tip blockage when spraying.
We supply two different types of filters:
- in-line filter which requires a minimum amount of solvent to be flushed
- an accumulator filter (assembled in standart on most of our paint pumps).
"Tips and Tricks": Place the filter with the vessel oriented on the top to be used as an accumulator

Allows you to pump the material directly from a drum container. Different suction hose diameters are available depending on the viscosity of the paint. We supply suction rods for drums with a capacity of 60 litres and 200 liters.
"Tips and Tricks": Even if the suction rod is not a wear part, we recommend you check it daily as the strainer is not plugged. Always keep a couple extra strainers in stock.

In case of small production batches, we recommend using our 6 liter hopper to feed the pump.
Tips and Tricks": During the flushing sequence, we recommend you spray with the gun on the inner hopper wall for easy cleaning and to save a maximum amount of solvent.

An agitator will maintain all the components of the paint in constant movement preventing any deposition of pigments and will keep the best performance of the pump and the gun. It will also ensure a perfect homogeneity of colors during the application.
"Tips and Tricks": When manipulating the agitator, we highly recommend you shut down the air in the circuit even if the ball valve is off.
Pumps selection criteria table to help you choose the right pump which will meet your needs
Production |
Paint |
Max working pressure (bar/psi) |
Gun included |
Hoses (m/ft) |
Lubrication |
Average Paint comsumption/day (L/gal) |
Color change | Maximum number of guns |
Small |
10C18 pump |
60/870 | Xcite™ 120 | 7.5/24.6 | Cup Lub | 5 to 15 / 1.3 to 4 | Frequent | 1 |
Small |
10C18 pump |
60/870 | Xcite™ Light 60 | 7.5/24.6 | Cup Lub | 5 to 15 / 1.3 to 4 | Frequent | 1 |
Medium |
15C25 pump |
90/1300 | Xcite™ 120 | 7.5/24.6 | Cup Lub | 5 to 15 / 1.3 to 4 | Frequent | 1 |
Medium |
15C25 pump |
90/1300 | Xcite™ Light 120 | 7.5/24.6 | Cup Lub | 5 to 15 / 1.3 to 4 | Frequent | 1 |
Medium |
15C50 pump |
90/1300 | Xcite™ 120 | 7.5/24.6 | Cup Lub | More than 15 / 4 | Occasional | 2 |
Medium |
15C50 pump |
90/1300 | Xcite™ Light 120 | 7.5/24.6 | Cup Lub | More than 15 / 4 | Occasional | 2 |
High |
20C50 pump |
120/1740 | Xcite™120 | 7.5/24.6 | Cup Lub | More than 15 / 4 | Occasional | 2 |
High |
30C25 pump |
180/2610 | Xcite™ 200 | 7.5/24.6 | Cup Lub | More than 15 / 4 | Frequent | 1 |
High |
17F60 pump |
100/1450 | Xcite™ 120 | 7.5/24.6 | Free Lub | More than 15 / 4 | Not recommended | 2 |
High |
34F60 pump |
200/2900 | Xcite™ 200 | 7.5/24.6 | Free Lub | More than 15 / 4 | Not recommended | 2 |