Electronic mixing for multicomponent viscous material

Gear Metering
Dual gear metering for the base and the catalyst allows a variable ratio within the range possible with the gear pumps volumes. Fast and accurate, these machines can perform for the most demanding process.

E60 Gear 2K machine
E60 with a wide range of gear pumps can adapt to most of the ratios, with different range of flow rates.
The controls are accurate thanks to adapted flowmeters which allows a close loop flow regulation.
Ratio of dosing and mixing are excellent to reach the performances required by the material and the final application.

Booster technology
With a main flow of material coming from the REXSON pump, we inject with a gearpump the right quantity of booster (or catalyst) in the right ratio (from 3 to 10%).
This machine can deliver 3% boosted material in manual or automatic application.

This machine can deliver 10% boosted material in manual or automatic application.