Metallic parts

Automotive Tier 1 metallic parts
tier 1 auto parts
tier 1 auto parts

Why you should choose SAMES KREMLIN

  • Knowledge and comprehensive process expertise
  • Ultimate field service and worldwide proximity support
Tier 1 Automotive Metallic Parts

Tier 1 Automotive Metallic Parts

There is a wide variety of metallic parts mounted on vehicles in mass production, including wipers, shock absorbers, brake calipers, pads & disks, springs, link stabilizers, and various rods or other parts entering a range of functions below the car body.

These parts are produced in mass & require an efficient manufacturing process with stable quality & costing controls.

We can apply films of oil, grease, paint, powder, or any material with our extensive line of equipment & solutions.
We can also bond, seal & aid in the process of manufacturing & assembling these parts. 

Shock Absorber Coating

High Transfer Efficiency

Shock absorbers are a typical application for electrostatic bell coating.

Contact our closest experts for more information on how to design or improve your industrial process.