Penetrant (ndt testing)

染料渗透检测 (DPI),也称为液体渗透检验 (LPI) 或渗透检测 (PT),是一种应用于检测所有非多孔材料(金属、塑料和陶瓷)表面断裂缺陷的方法,该方法应用广泛、成本低廉。渗透剂适用于所有的金属材料和有色金属材料。不过对铁磁性元件,通常采用磁粉检测进行次表面探测。

A penetrant is a coating that penetrates microscopic cracks on a part for subsequent inspection.


This method is followed by an emulsion spraying cleaning process and than a developer powder process.

It is mainly used on aerospace industry to control structural part of an aircraft.

Kremlin Rexson & Sames know how and expertise

Kremlin Rexson and Sames are well aware of the challenges and difficulties of using these systems for non-destructive testing. 

We have a range of dedicated products and solutions.

The following range of equipment is specially adapted to this type of material: