With the modernization of 2 paintshop lines, SAMES KREMLIN reaches new heights!

This year SAMES KREMLIN has been awarded PSA Vigo (north east of Spain) paintshop line 1 and line 2 modernisation.
With the modernization of 2 paintshop lines, SAMES KREMLIN reaches new heights!
With the modernization of 2 paintshop lines, SAMES KREMLIN reaches new heights!

Month of march is bringing this year again its good news. Last year was the nomination of SAMES KREMLIN for Nissan UK new paintshop investment with the integration of 67 robots. This year SAMES KREMLIN has been awarded PSA Vigo (north east of Spain) paintshop line 1 and line 2 modernisation.

The great news is that we are entering a new plant, taking new market shares, in the biggest plant of PSA group. We could make the difference mainly thanks to our engineering recognized skills, that had been demonstrated the previous year during PSA Poissy Clear coat interiors project.

Product performances, and global economical competitiveness have also been the keys to success. The installation will take place beginning of august, during the plant summer breakdown. 14 robots will be dedicated to hood, trunk, van interior and door interior painting, 20 robots will be used as openers. All process except van interiors will be integrated with continuous conveyor, which was SAMES KREMLIN real technical advantage for the project.

Added to Trnava, Poissy and Rennes painting line upgrades, it will be a total of 51 robots that will be installed in the coming months at PSA. 

Note: Headquartered in Paris, PSA (with 3.14 million units) was in 2016 the second-largest Europe-based automaker. Following the completion of the agreed acquisition of the GM Opel and Vauxhall Motors brands, Groupe PSA will become Europe's second largest automaker.